Marylebone Patient Partnership Group – 23rd September

6pm-8pm@ the health centre
Meetings will be held Face to face but can accept
virtual attendance if you provide notice


Minutes of hybrid meeting 23RD Sept 2024

Meeting Chair: JM

Present;  MB,JmcG, EK, JC, SF

Apologies:  BH, CB, JM, Daniel (JC deputy) BD, SL, AG

2. Minutes of last meeting: Review of Minutes of 12th August 2024. Approved.

3. Matters Arising

Item 4.5: A brief explanation of each GP and their interests is being set up on the website

Item 9: Associate Member details are now on the website and were attached to the Agenda for information.

Agreed all other actions completed

4. Practice Update

4.1 Staffing – GPA due to start training proper-to assist GP in clinical admin. The 2 new reception staff  are proving very successful, popular and efficient. Both moving to PT and will attend Uni to complete education. MHC pleased to support. New receptionist will be engaged. Thank you JmcG for agreeing to be on interview panel.

4.2 Telephone Call Back Option – PPG pleased to note that the telephone call back option suggested at last meeting has been installed and that this has been successful whenever patients have requested it.

4.3 Patient Feedback – Patient feedback has been very good.  Plan is to discuss it at the Centre Review and PPG meeting in November for PPG to review and comment. Recent feedback from recently bereaved patients has been reassuring that they felt their relative received good clinical care and they and the family felt supported.

4.4 RSV – Reminder patients 75 to 79yrs are eligible for a free vaccine to protect them from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) which is an infectious disease of the airways and lungs. Uptake has been good but as it’s a first year of giving some patients want to wait for efficacy information. Patients can still have at, MHC even though RSV clinics now over 

4.5 Flu – Delay of flu jabs by 3 weeks by NHSE. They said they hoped for prolonged efficacy of vaccination. General concern that Flu jab delay will mean more infected flu cases. We start on 4th Oct, the clinics are on the system and patients are being booked. To date pregnant patients, children aged 2-3yrs and at risk children have been booked for flu. Over 75yrs are now offered flu jabs.

4.6 COVID – MHC will be providing 3 COVID clinics for patients. Staff are already calling patients in and hope that offering it with our own nurses encourages uptake. Nurses Kelly and Saiqa will be vaccinating 80 year olds and over who are offered first, then other patents. Starts 16.10.24

4.7 M Pox and infection control The Team have all been recently trained by Dr Parekh on Sepsis Awareness and Infection Control. We have an isolation room and all equipment/policy on managing infectious disease. The Clinical Team are aware of all the infectious disease screening systems and treatments. Having a duty Dr system helps manage infectious control screening

5. Stakeholders

BH sent apologises and will provide feedback on HealthWatch when she next attends.

HCL meeting for patients – Meeting in July seemed confusing and attendees not briefed correctly. JC has expressed to HCL the importance of all those attending to be sent a brief of the meeting to avoid confusion. The next meeting is October 15th and the focus will be PATCHs although topic may change. JM will try to attend virtually, other PPG members invited

6. Information Table and Associate Member

6.1 Plan had been to hold a PPG information table during the flu clinics. JM may be able to attend; PPG to consider their availability. Action JC to SHARE list of dates of clinics and PPG can see if they are available that day

 8.10.24 2-5PM
 9.10.24 9-4PM
 10.10. 9.30-4PM

6.2 JM thanked those members who sent feedback on the Associate Member welcome and introduction letter. There is now a copy on website and also placed at reception

7. Website changes

7.1 Website – JC provided screenshots of the website for discussion and review.

It has been noted that it should read Patient Participation not Patient Partnership when referencing PPG- Action JC to ask Leda to amend

7.2 Minutes and Agendas – These are no longer visible Action JC discuss with Leda to get the reinstated

7.3 Description of HCL– all agreed it is important to add this in and make sure we are clear they hold NHS Primary Care contracts and we contribute towards services they provide – Action JC and LG

7.4 Description of PPG – JM asked to review and consider more improved statement

7.5 ComplaintsFeedback and how we action feedback. PPG suggest in summary form only. Clear description of complaints and feedback processes would be helpful for patients – Action JC to table for next meeting

8. AOB

8.1 Centre Review- 11th December 12-3pm- JM, JmcG and YT invited to attend on behalf of PPG

8.2 Change to Pharmacy for collection of medication – JM reportedthe new website does not give the opportunity to type in a pharmacy address that is not local to MHC. If a different address is requested then the ETP Barcode Number needs to be provided to the patient so the different pharmacy can obtain the prescription. Both reception and the patient will need to be made aware of this new implication.

8.3 BMA call to action ‘strike’ – MB asked what action MHC had decided to take. JC confirmed non patient related activities- stop participating in non-clinical data sharing with NHSE where not contractually required (e.g not providing performance data), not supporting roll out of new IT systems and processes created to make the lives of NHSE senior non clinical staff easier which doesn’t impact patient care, and push back work sent to us inappropriately from hospitals. (which is considered best practice)

8.4 November meeting – JC sends apologies –she may not be able to attend, AG on leave, Daniel may be able to attend (non-working day)

8.5 Darzi report – Recently Prof Darzi completed an independent review of the NHS and referenced general practice and his recommendations are practices underfunded and resourced- Independent investigation of the NHS in England – GOV.UK (

Meeting dates for 2024  4th November, 16th December 2024

Practice website address:

North West London ICB(nhs Head Office)   Integrated Care Board (ICB) :: NHS North West London (

Healthcare Central London GP Federation  Homepage – Healthcare Central London