Meeting Chair: JM
Present:, Yakup Seyer (YS), MB, BH, CB, BD, JMcG, SL, YT and Dr Andy
Goodstone (AG)

  1. Apologies- Jeanette Creaser (JC) and JG
  2. Minutes of last meeting: Minutes of meeting on 27/11/23 reviewed and agreed.
  3. Matters Arising: Nil
  4. Research presentation
    The project under the auspices of Imperial was explained by one of their researcher. The new research programme is about how easy or difficult it is to book appointments or communicate with a GP about test results, booking appointments, receiving text about vaccinations etc. The remit of the research is to spend time with patients and reception teams to see how easy to use the services. It was explained that 40% of Westminster GP Practices use Patches. It is mostly the younger generation or working patients as it is easy to communicate with the GP. Main complaint about Patches is you have to register and there are lots of apps around so patients cannot remember login details or they don’t know the benefits of using it. BH mentioned patches for MHC was working well especially when people are not sure if they need to see doctor or book a routine appointment. Feedback from patients are good as one gets a quick answer from the team. But YT mentioned Patches is not always helpful and there were concerns about whether patients will not see Drs face to face in the future. YS explained we have to recognise that our practice is for everyone, which means all ages, and to recognise some people have a language barrier or cannot use computers. That is why we are providing all possible opportunities to our patients to meet the criteria for good practice.  
    Dr Goodstone explained how Patches works for MHC. He explained what the process was and the outcomes. YS explained how Patches worked from the admin side. Apparently it has reduced the calls that come to reception. Mainly private referrals, prescription requests and routine appointments have started to come via Patches and that allows more available appointments to see the Doctor or less waiting time in the queue for a telephone call. PPG members mentioned there are too many apps around which makes them confused ie Patches, NHS app, Patient Knows Best. YS agreed and plans to produce a leaflet about all the services to make it clear what are they for. 
  5. Practice Update
    a) Staff Changes – Dr Goodstone updated members about staff changes. The next F2 has joined and a new GP, Dr Raj Sabu, will be available three days a week. Pooja Verma is now on maternity leave. A receptionist has now trained to be a GP assistant and will help with admin.

b) Centre review – Dr Goodstone gave an update on the meeting which was attended by JM and JMcG. Appointment time is now 12.5 minutes which means fewer slots. MHC has to offer appointments within 2 weeks. Reminders are sent for face to face but not telephone appointments.
c) Px feedback – a summary of the survey was given. The new PPG corner in the waiting area was discussed. It is now much easier to read all information that is there. Members were happy with new arrangement.

  1. Newsletter
    The newsletter content was discussed and YT will do further proof-reading. Items that need amending are:
    1) Age UK – “ you can attend our group @ St Marylebone Parish Church 2.30-4 pm.“ We don’t know which day or when, so we have to check with Age UK Westminster to update the newsletter. 
    2) “Opening Hours” – must be more specific about telephone lines and instead of saying “call us” when the practice is closed, it should say “call 111 or 999”.  
    3) “Physio Services” – discussed that the old physio services have lost their contract at PCN so we are moving to new contractors. Decided to put information in the Newsletter about the new service to inform patients.  
  2. Website 
    MHC are working on a new website, more user friendly and simpler than the current one. The contract with the current providers is ending at the end of March and MHC will then move to a new website. PPG members mentioned it is hard to find opening hours on the website.  Patches is also not clear on the Home Page so a section will be put on the new website. YS and JM will discuss the content.
  3. AOB
    Next meeting Westminster Carers will be invited. Meetings 2024 – 19th Feb (JM will be virtual), 8th April, 20th May, 1st July, 12th August 23rd September, 4th November, 16th December